通过智能视频分析系统(Intelligent Video System,IVS)可在计算机图像分析技术的基础上,完成场景中背景和目标的分离任务,进而完成分割目标的追踪、定位与识别。为了在物联网的架构上实现多个智能视频终端的互联,并在此基础上实现多目标的动态感知,文中从嵌入式智能视频处理的角度,探讨了基于网格的智能行为分析系统的结构和功能,给出了一个具体的视频增强处理的实例和嵌入式智能相机的架构。
The structure of an embedded intelligent video analysis system is analyzed.The structure of the system is constructed based on the Internet of Things.In supporting the functions of intelligent video systems,the structure of a smart camera is also introduced.The smart camera can be embedded with a variety of different algorithms of intelligent video analysis such as multi-target detection,multi-target tracking,image enhancement and image segmentation.At last,an implementation of image enhancement algorithm is given to demonstrate its efficiency.