2009年10月15~16日,在巢湖蓝藻暴发期间进行实际采样和数据分析,通过Gons和Simis算法对浮游植物色素吸收及其浓度遥感反演进行了研究.结果表明,Gons和Simis算法可以用于蓝藻水华未覆盖水体的遥感反演,而在水华覆盖水体表面时算法失效;在未覆盖水体时,Gons算法(RMSE=0.04 m-1)相对于Simis算法(RMSE=0.13 m-1)可以更好地反演浮游植物色素吸收;Simis算法可以用于巢湖藻蓝素反演,但模型参数需要重新率定.总体来说,Gons和Simis算法在巢湖取得了较好的结果,有助于浮游植物色素遥感反演后续工作的进行.
Based on in situ data in Chao Lake from October 15th 2009 to October 16th 2009,two algorithms named Gons and Simis were used to estimate phytoplankton pigment(Chlorophyll-a,Chla;Phycocyanin,PC).Results showed that both Gons and Simis algorithms can be used in waters with algae,but not in waters while algal blooms formed.For the pigment absorption at 665 nm(aph(665)),Gons can provide a better result than Simis.Simis algorithm can be used to estimate PC,while related parameters were re-calibrated.Therefore,it is necessary and significant to validate and develop the algorithms to estimate Chla and PC in Chao Lake.