In order to explore the structural characteristics of IGF- 1 gene promoter for long character in pigs, the IGF- 1 gene 5'UTR was amplified and sequenced from the genomic DNA in four different pig breeds: Tibet Pig, Bama miniature Pig, Northeastern Wild boar and Junmu- 1 Pig. With bioinformatics tools, characterization and comparison of these sequences from four varieties of swine were conducted. Results showed that: In IGF- 1 gene 5' end, compared with the others, Bama miniature Pig missed a possible CdxA binding site and a possible NKx - 2 binding site. Moreover, comparing Junmu - 1 Pig with Tibet Pig and Northeastern Wild boar, we found a possible MZF1 binding site in Junmu - 1 Pig. The evolutionary tree among four species, constructed by the neighbor - joining method, showed that Tibet Pig had a recently genetic relationship with Bama miniature pig; and a closely genetic relationship with Northeastern Wild boar. And the genetic relationship between Junmu- 1 Pig and the others was the far- thest. The resuhs show that the structure of IGF- 1 gene promoter is different in different body length pigs.