A subset F of edges in a connected graph G is a restricted edge-cut if G-F is disconnected and every component has at least two vertices.A graph Gis super restricted edgeconnected(super-λ′for short)if every minimum restricted edge-cut of Gisolates at least one edge.The edge fault-toleranceρ′(G)of a super-λ′graph Gis the maximum integer mfor which G-Fis still super-λ′for any subset F E(G)with|F|≤m.It was shown that min{k1+k2-1,υ1k2-2k1-2k2 +1,υ2k1-2k1-2k2 +1}≤ρ′(G1×G2)≤k1 +k2-1,where Giis a ki-regular ki-edge-connected graph of orderυi with ki≥4for each i∈ {1,2}and G1×G2is the Cartesian product graph of G1 and G2.And some sufficient conditions such thatρ′(G1×G2)=k1+k2-1were presented.