“互联网思维”一词脍炙人口,但却莫衷一是。研究采集媒体、企业家等对互联网思维的讨论所形成的二手数据资料,运用ROST Content Mining和Nvivo11 2种文本分析工具按照文本分析法的程序进行归纳概括,提炼了互联网思维三维度模型。研究发现,互联网思维由产品思维、社群思维和生态思维3个一级主类别、8个二级子类别和44个三级概念要素构成。
" Internet thinking" wins universal praise, but is unable to come to an agreement. The author apply ROST Content Mining and Nvivoll instrument to conclude secondary data formed by the discussion of internet thinking by media and entrepreneurs, and finally develop construct of the internet thinking model. The author finds that the Internet thinking is constituted of three first-level main category, which are the product thinking, community thinking and ecological thinking, eight second-level subclass, forty-four tertiary conceptual elements.