The compressibility of rockfill materials is directly related to the safety and stability of projects, therefore, a good many groups of large scale uniaxial-confined compression tests are carried out on the rockfill materials for a certain pumped storage power station. The experiment results show that the compressive moduli of rockfill materials are higher; and the compressive indexes are much lower. More compression deformation will happen when the stress on the internal grain exceeds the value sufficient for particle breakage; and this stress is regarded as the transitional point of elastoplastic deformation. Specimens of a given rockfill materials, which are compressed from different initial void ratios, converge on a unique limiting compression curve(LCC). Moreover, the unloading rebound deformation of rockfill materials is elastic deformation because the deformation quantity is very small and linear. The compression state of rockfill materials is determined by the gradation no matter what the loading paths are, and the compressibility will decrease while the strength of parent rock increases or the initial void ratio and the content of mudstone decrease.