Based on the ensemble average of outputs under the mid-range emission (A1B) scenario from 20 climate models used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC-AR4), and dynamically downscaling results driven by modeling outputs from a global climate model, climate change over the Tibetan Plateau in the next 30-50 years has been studied. The results show that annual-mean surface air temperature would rise by 1.4-2.2℃ averaged for 2030-2049 in most portions of the Plateau with respect to that for 1980--1999. Climatic warming is more prominent in higher-elevation regions and in colder seasons. For example, the temperature would increase up to 2.4℃ or more in Xizang autonomous region in winter. The change in precipitation would be relatively small and generally below 5 %, though the precipitation likely increases in main parts of the Plateau and in most seasons. Considering of various uncertainties in future emission of atmospheric greenhouse gases, skill of multi-model ensemble projection and regional-scale modeling, timing reexamination and correction will be needed when the above projections turn to practical applications.