自20 世纪80 年代末以来,在农村工业企业产权改革的背景下,通过1988 年~2011 年农村工业企业的相关数据,旨在了解农村工业中集体成分企业所在省份及地区的优劣比较及空间结构演变,进而分析20年来各省份农村工业集体企业数量及产值份额的时空演变特征,结果表明:全国农村工业集体企业总数量及产值比重变化与各划分阶段内提高企业竞争力的政策导向相一致;集体工业企业经过各阶段改制后,东、中、西部整体水平不断拉近;东部省份的农村工业集体企业比重高于中、西部,全国集体份额排名及效率领先省、市多位于东部沿海地区其具有惯性稳定特征.
After the late 1980s when property rights reform has widely occurred in rural industrial enterprises, by using industrial enterprises data from 1988 to 2011 and analyzing the spatial-temporal characteristics of the number and gross output proportion of rural collective enterprises, we conclude: The number and gross output proportion change of rural industrial collective enterprises corresponds with the policy guidance that was released in each phase to improve enterprises competitiveness; Over the past 20 years, the collective proportion has been closing for eastern, central and western region; Most eastern provinces have the highest proportion, and the high proportion and high efficiency provinces are almost on the eastern coast and their ranking has a inertial feature.