With the pressure on China's environmental protection, food security,rural issues, green trade barriers. Organic agriculture as a kind of newtype of alternative agriculture production model can coordinate the conflictsand solve the problems. Organic certification system, connecting organic farmersand consumer, is an important part of organic agricultural production network.Organic certification agencies which are the core of information networkhave a positive effect on learning about the structure, organization and influence of this network. This paper, based on the analysis of the spatialdistribution, organization and influential area of the organic certificationinformation centers in China, suggests that the spatial distribution of thesecenters are characterized by disproportion, and the degree of developmentlevel of these centers have large differences. The analysis of these centers’influence shows that they can be divided into three comprehensive grades. Inaddition, this paper focuses on some core areas such as Beijing, Zhejiang andLiaoning. Based on above analysis, the author put forward some suggestions forfurther development of these organic information centers.