Poly-vanadium-titaniurn acid(H2V12-xTixO31-y·nH2O(0≤x≤8)) xerogel thin films have been fabricated using V2O5 powders and titanium tetrabutylate as precursors by sol-gel process. The obtained xerogels are investigated by IR, XPS, TGA and XRD methods. The results show that the xerogels have been observed low-frequency shift and decrease of the intensity of the strips of the stretching fluctuations with an increase in the content of titanium in the xerogels. The vanadium in the compands is pentavalent and tetravalent, and titanium in the compands is tetravalent. The compounds have a layered structure. The interlayer spacing is changed during the substitution of vanadium by titanium. This change is nonmonotonic.