The paper studies the learning expectation and the dynamic model of inflation driven by output gap in China. Chinese expanded new Phillips curves under learning expectation and consumer expectation index are constructed by selecting the proxy indicators for money, cost, international, asset price factors using rolling forecast based on VAR and BVAR models. The previous empirical conclusions are verified based on Granger causality test, impulse response and variance decomposition. To the lack of previous studies, the drivers for China's inflation are studied further based on the Markov switching model. Analyses show that: Chinese inflation inertia is very strong and almost cannot be reduced by introducing c variables; Public expecration ability is not strong, and the role of consumer expectation index and learning expectation on the inflation decision is limited and backward - looking factor play a more important role than forward - looking factor in the short - term inflation dynamics ; The duration of Phillips curve working is longer than the duration of the quantity theory of money working and in most cases the output gap is more likely than monetary growth to be the driving factor to inflation; Various methods have shown that the price of agricultural production is an important driving factor to inflation.