Objectives: This paper studies the misallocation of the emerging industries and the impact of investment expansion and product subsidies on resources misallocation. Research Methods: Based on the H~K model, this paper uses the static general equilibrium model to calculate the effi- ciency of resources allocation of photovoltaic industry in China from 2009 to 2014. Research Find- ings: Photovoltaic industry exists the misallocation of resources, which causes the low enterprises' total factor productivity. "The two sides" accelerates the survival of the fittest of photovoltaic enterprises and improves the efficiency of resources allocation to some extent. The expansion of investment caused by the government's support and regional competition is the main reason for the low efficiency of resources allocation. Research Innovations: This paper constructs a misallocation model based on general equilibrium in a specific industry, and measures the effect of industrial policy from the perspective of misallocation. Research Value: It's benefit to improve the efficiency of resources allocation and total factor productivity of the photovoltaic industry in China.