The two-echelon supply chain system studied in this paper is composed of one retailer and the total mass of infinitesimal customers in the market,the demand for the product is seasonal over a finite selling time horizon.The inventory and pricing decision for a two-period newsvendor problem is investigated when strategic customer behavior is considered.The traditional two-period newsvendor models don't consider the impact of strategic customer behavior on the retailer's inventory decision and pricing decision,However,customers may consider the whole price path of the product over the entire selling season,and optimize their purchase time point to maximize the expected utility,Meanwhile,the retailer may determine the optimal order quantity and set the price path to maximize the expected revenue.The rational expectation equilibrium analysis is introduced in the paper and the rational expectation equilibrium solution in the simultaneous-move game between the retailer and the customers is analyzed.Furthermore,it analyzes the situation when the retailer makes the selling price commitment to the customers and obtains the corresponding rational expectation equilibrium solution.Finally,two numerical examples are presented to illustrate the proposed model.