The given article is inclined to introduce our investigation of the contributory rate of iron and manganese ingredients in typical tributaries of the Aha Reservoir, Guizhou, which is badly polluted with acid coal-mine drainage. The present faet is that the Fe and Mn concentrations in the water of Aha Reservoir were found severely ex- ceeding the State-stipulated Surface Water Quality Standard (GB 3838--2002), that is, 0.3 mg/L for Fe and 0.1 mg/L ~or Mn in 1985 and 1990. As a matter of faet, sinee 1995, two sewage-treating plants have been built overthere to purify the inlet water of Aha Reservoir by using lime neutralization and aeration oxidation, Though measures were taken to purify the inlet water, the Fe and Mn eoneen- trations in it remain much higher than the needed levels for the fresh water. In this study, we have done all-weather long on-spot eontinu- ous testing and analysis of the samples for their physical and chemical parameters measurement, in June and August (2010), respectively, from the point of view of monitoring and seeming the reservoir water quality. And, then, further discussion was made to follow the various characteristics and contributory rates of iron and manganese to the water of Youyu River. Our research findings ean be shown as follows: the coalmine acid-drainage treated by added lime helps to increase the pH value of the water to meet the emission requirements, and the alkalinity of HCO3- has also been increased. In addition, it was found that according to the State Standard for the Surface Water Envi- ronment Quality (GB 3838--2002), manganese content was over the stipulated limit from 91.7% in June and in August, while those of iron and manganese over 87.5% and 100%. The results indicated that there will be more than 23.57 t and 35.54 t of dissolved iron and manganese flowing into Aha Reservoir with the average concentration of iron and manganese being 0.65 mg/L and 0.98 mg/L. It has been proved that the iron and manganese eontents are elosely related not only with t