The gap between real compensation and labor productivity has become a prominent issue of China's income distribution. The hterature documents that the capital-biased distribution of power within firms determines a low labor share of income. In contrast, starting from the imperfectly competitive market structure outside firms, this paper provides a new explanation on the compensation-productivity gap. With the joint market perspective, findings are as follows. In most Chinese industries, the product markets are imperfectly competitive, and labor markets can be characterized as bargaining where employers are dominant. In this joint market structure, the imperfect competitive product market generates monopoly rents. Because the workers' bargaining power is weak, most of the monopoly rent is captured by capitalists, which induces a low labor share. These findings demonstrate that the market power of firms in both product and labor markets distorts the relationship between labor compensation and contribution, and leads to the lower labor share. Therefore, the competition promotion on the joint product-input market is the key to improve the income distribution.