为了解凯里学院校园园林植物的蝽类益害昆虫的种类和发生情况,采用传统分类学研究方法,对该区域蝽类昆虫进行采集、分类和鉴定,得到蝽类害虫共计9科13属16种,蝽类天敌昆虫2科6属7种,其中为害最严重的是寄生在樟树上的樟颈曼盲蝽Mansoniella cinnamomi和杜鹃上的杜鹃冠网蝽Stephanitis ambigua,其次是榆树上的茶翅蝽Halyomorpha halys和刺槐上的大皱蝽Cyclopelta obscura;蝽类天敌昆虫中,主要以红股隶猎蝽Lestomerus femoralis和黑叉盾猎蝽Ectrychotes andreae为主.
The pests and natural enemies belonging to the suborder Heteroptera for garden plants were investigated in the campus of Kaili University by the method of traditional taxonomy. The results showed that: the pests include 13 genera and 16 species under 9 families. Among them, Mansoniella cinnamomi (Zheng & Liu, 1992) is the most seriously harmful to Cinnamomum camphora, and Halyo- morpha halys also is the more harmful to Rhododendron sp, in addition, Halyomorpha halys and Cyclo-pelta obscura separetedly do somewhat harm to Ulmus sp and to Sophora sp. The rest species of them is less and appear no harm. The natural enemies consist of 6 genera and 7 species under 2 families.