2014年6月和8月对广西弄岗自然保护区真猎蝽亚科昆虫种类进行两次调查,经鉴定共有真猎蝽亚科昆虫12属16种,其中包括一广西新记录属阿猎蝽属Agyrius Stl,1863和广西新记录种瓦氏阿猎蝽Agyrius watanabeorum Ishikawa,2002.并根据所有种类的世界地理分布信息,分析了弄岗保护区真猎蝽区系的组成和特点.所有标本均保存在凯里学院生物标本馆.
The subfamily Harpactorinae in the Nonggang National Nature Reserve of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is investigated in June and August, 2014. Twelve genera and sixteen species of as- sassin bugs are recognized and photographed, among them, Agyrius Stgll 1863 and Agyrius watanabeo- rum Ishikawa 2002 are firstly recorded in Guangxi. In addition, this is the northernmost distribution re- cord of the genus Agyrius in the world. The faunal structure and characters of the reduviid subfamily Harpactorinae are analyzed. All the specimens are kept in Biological Collections of Kaili University.