本文记述贵州省分布的猎蝽科瘤蝽亚科昆虫4种,其中滇龟瘤蝽Chelocoris yunnanus Hsiao & Liu, 1965, 宝兴螳瘤蝽Cnizocoris potanini (Bianchi, 1899) 和小菱瘤蝽Amblythyreus potaninae (Bianchi, 1899)为贵州首次记录,并提供了所有种类的整体背面观、头和前胸背板侧面观的彩色照片。
The present paper deals with four species of the reduviid subfamily Phymatinae from Guizhou Province, China Among them, Chelocoris yunnanus Hsiao & Liu, 1965, Cnizocoris potanini (Bianchi, 1899) and Amblythyreus potaninae (Bianchi, 1899) are reported for the first time from Guizhou Province, China The color photos of the dorsal habitus, lateral side of head and pronotum of all the species are provided