采用一种高精度MWENO(muhi—weighted essentially non-oscillatory)格式在结构网格上求解可压缩Euler方程。该格式在处理具有复杂几何外形绕流问题时遇到较大困难,而虚拟单元方法却是一种较新颖且对网格的要求较低的方法,适用于此种情况下的边界处理。将两者有效结合起来试图在笛卡尔网格上处理具有复杂几何外形的物体绕流问题。数个经典数值算例的结果表明所提出的方法切实可行。
In this paper, a high order accurate MWENO (multi-weighted essentially non-oscillatory) scheme was applied to solve for the compressible Euler equations on Cartesian grids. However, such scheme could not solve the problems of flowing over a complex geometry body well. The ghost cell method was a novel and general numerical simulation technique for handling this difficulty without any further procedures on such meshes. The MWENO scheme in conjunction with the ghost cell method was used for solving the associate problems on Cartesian grids. Fi- nally, some classic numerical tests were provided to show the effectiveness of these procedures.