This study explores the construction of destination image through data mining of travel notes on Sina Blog, one of the most popular online communities in China.“Five Golden Flowers”,a famous rural tourism destination of China, was selected as the study area.Free text data mining is different from other data collection methods, such as questionnaires that use predetermined tourism image attributes; rather, it is a method that provides a comprehensive understanding and image of any message (i.e., freely written travel notes by blog authors in this research) . Content analysis and co-occurrence network methods were used to analyze the data to identify the image characters for a group of destinations. It was found that 1) Based on the featured word frequencies, content analysis and word co- occurrence networks are considered two good text-mining methods for destination image research; 2) The destination image for “Five Golden Flowers” is identified as “a suburb recreation and resort, characterized by local cuisine, traditional customs, culture and countryside scenery and rural village life”; 3)There are significant differences among the five specific destination images of “Five Golden Flowers”, for example, “Lotus Pond in Moonlight” occupies a dominant position in tourists' image perception, whereas “Happy Plum Trees”, “Picking Chrysanthemum at the Eastern Fence”, and “Vegetable Garden in Jiang' s home village” occupy a medial position in tourists' image perception, while “Farmers' Yards with Flowers Scent” is in the least attractive position and co-occurs fewer times with other key words; 4)Intourists' recognition of toponyms, “Chengdu” and “Sansheng Town” have remarkable significance. Chengdu promotes the image of “Five Golden Flowers” to seek international recognition, and Sansheng Town is the spatial carrier for this image; and 5)Tourism attraction names, with graceful cultural or literary meaning, are basic driving forces for destination ima