该文提出了一种基于概率复制的数据传输策略PRD(Probability Replication Delivery scheme)用于空间中间断连通的延迟容忍移动传感器网络(DTMSN)数据传输。PRD由选择复制策略和队列管理组成,前者根据节点将消息传递给汇聚点的可能性,选择下一跳进行复制传输;队列管理则利用引入传输概率及复制数的消息生存时间决定队列中消息丢弃原则。仿真分析表明,与现有的几种数据传输策略相比,PRD能以较低的数据复制数及传输延迟获得较高的数据传输成功率。
A new data delivery scheme-PRD (Probability Replication Delivery scheme) is proposed for pervasive data gathering in DTMSN (Delay Tolerant Mobile Sensor Networks) that networks with intermittent connectivity in space.PRD consists of two key components for data transmission and queue management,respectively.The former makes decisions on when and where to transmit data messages according to the node delivery probability.The latter employs the message survival time based on probability and delivery copies to decide dropping for minimizing transmission overhead.Simulation results show that the proposed PRD data delivery scheme achieves the higher message delivery ratio with the lower transmission overhead and data delivery delay than other DTMSN data delivering approaches.