The responsibilities and financial resources between China's central and local endow- ment insurances have not been divided clearly by now, which profoundly restricts the endowment in- surance reform and social economic development of the country at large. Based on the three major reforms of the current endowment insurance, i.e., the separation between personal accounts and social pool, the system integration and the plan hair base adjustment, this paper divides the current central and local endowment insurance responsibilities, namely, to divide the basic pension of 60% substitu- tion rate into 30% central basic pension and 30% provincial transitional pension and municipal per- sonal pension accounts. In addition, according to actuarial principles, the corresponding financial re- sources to be matched should be 9% and 5% pooling payment at the central and provincial levels re- spectively, and 8% individual payment at the municipal level, so as to make the total 22% rates low- er than the current rates by 6%. According to the above classification scheme, all the 31 provinces of the country will be divided into four different groups of regions with varying interests, which should be noted by the policymakers.