全球经济增长长期所维系的高碳模式导致化石能源大量消耗,并产生供需矛盾和排放等 环境与气候问题.以证书交易的形式建立可再生能源发电配额制,成为缓解化石能源供给不足和 强化减排的重要措施.以我国将可能实施的可再生能源发电配额制为背景,借鉴发达国家的经验, 讨论实行配额证书市场交易的可行性;研究配额目标和价格上限等约束对利润最大化条件下的证 书交易量及价格的影响,为我国后续开展配额交易提供政策建议.
With the rapid development of global economy, the large consumption of traditional energy led to the increasingly contradiction between supply and demand, and the wide use of traditional energy also brought massive discharge of pollutant, the world have to face the global environment problems within the challenges of environmental pollution. Facing the above situation, as an effective incentive policy of pro-moting renewable energy development, the policy of renewable portfolio standard (RPS) with the core of renewable electricity credits (REC) has been more and more implemented by western countries. On the base of applying of renewable portfolio standard in China in the near future, this paper summarizes the practical experience in domestic and abroad, and discusses the market conditions of implementing RPS sys-tem and of construction REC trading market in China. By means of quantitatively analyzing, supply-and- demand equilibrium and price mechanism, we analyze whether the REC market price forming mechanism can promote the development of renewable energy power through effective reflecting the enterprise genera-ting cost and then analyze its market benefit. Finally,this paper analyzes the benefits brought by RPS to e-lectrical power system,as well as some possible obstacles in practical operation,and puts forward relevant suggestions for future study and policy making.