This paper considered the problem of optimal pricing decision, inventory, channel effort level and optimal recovery in two contexts based on a complementary dual-channel with online sales and offiine services model in a closed-loop supply chain. One context is the online distributor led pricing and service decisions (M mode); the other one is single online distributor-single offiine service provider based on revenue-sharing mechanism (M-S mode). By comparing the two situations, we find that channel services- on sensitive coefficient of service are elasticity, but only in the M mode, the recovery price on sensitive coefficients of service is elasticity. Then, we further studied the pricing and service decisions in a context by successive-period recovery. We find that if the remanufacturing cost savings increase and channel services are sensitive to demand, M mode would improve service levels and reduce product price to maintain market share; but M-S mode with revenue-sharing mechanism, service levels would reduce and the product price would be lower. And when the forward channel services are equal to the reverse channel losses, the service providers would no longer make decisions based on the distributor's pricing decision. Finally, we observed the different influence on transfer coefficients on forward/reverse proportion of service levels and the influence on decision variables.