Based on the theory of ecosystem services, this article valuates the capacity of water holding capacity of grassland ecosystem in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau by using RS and GIS with the factor of water moisture. From the calculation and analysis we can conclude that: ( 1 ) the capacities of holding water and their values vary with the area and unit value, they are as following: Alpine steppe, Alpine meadow, Alpine desert, Alpine meadow steppe and Temperatemontane meadow ; (2) the capacities of holding water and their values vary with growing season and present staggered characters ; (3) the capacities of holding water and their values vary with physically geographical conditions. In general they decrease from the northwest to the southeast gradually. Although this article cannotvaluate all types of grassland with the limitation of data, yet we can say that this method can reveal the value of water holding capacity of grassland in regional scale, and maybe this can be a kind of helpful attemptto the dynamics researchof ecosystem services.