提高离心血泵的搏动性能减少血液周身循环阻力,有助于增加血液循环量。现有离心血泵主要工作在恒转速模式,辅助出的主动脉压搏动性较小,而脉压差过低对血管的结构和功能会产生不良的影响。所以针对离心泵搏动性较小的问题,本文建立循环系统和人工心脏血泵的耦合模型,利用模糊PI控制器,通过调制血泵的转速来提高离心泵辅助后主动脉压的搏动性。利用搭建的体外模拟循环实验平台,将血泵和基于STM32的控制器接入模拟循环装置中,辅助后平均主动脉压稳定在100 mm Hg,脉压差稳定在20 mm Hg。
The increase in pulsatility of centrifugal pumps can decrease the resistance of blood circulation. Most centrifugal pumps in use now work with constant pressure, which provides nonpulsatile perfusion. In non-pulsatile pumps, the pulsatility of the aortic pressure decreases with the increase of rational speed. The low pulsatile value of aortic pressure has a negative effect on the structures and functions of blood vessels. This paper builds the cardiovascular-pump model and simulates the model using MATLAB. The fuzzy PI Controller, which uses the volatility of the speed of pumps to enhance the pulsatility of the aortic pressure, was designed. Then we set up the experiment platform and linked the blood pump and the controller based on STM32 to the mock cardiovascular system. The result of the experiment indicates that the pulse pressure is 20 mm Hg and the mean pressure is 100 mm Hg, which can meet the hemodynamic requirements of LVAD.