应用监督分类法中的最大似然法(Maximum Likelihood Classification)以及遥感图像对塔河林业局森林可燃物类型划分的结果为:天然落叶松林、人工落叶松林、樟子松林、针阔混交林、阔叶林、难利用地等几种类型,并绘制了可燃物类型分布图,经分类精度检验,总体分类精度为72.90%.同时,对不同可燃物类型的特点进行了分析.
Forest fuel types are classified by the method of maximum likelihood (MLC) based on remote-sensing images of Tahe Forestry Bureau. Result shows that the fuel types can be classified into eight categories, such as natural Larix gmelinii forest, Larix gmelinii artificial forest, Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica forest, needle and broad-leaved mixed forest, deciduous forest, and hard-used land. The distribution map of fuel types is obtained. The classification accuracy reaches 72.90 percent in terms of accuracy assessment. The characteristics of different fuel types are also analysed.