Based on the former work on the current-voltage characteristics of a multi-needle-to-plate negative corona discharge at atmospheric pressure, the present work uses the method of OES (optical emission spectrum) for measuring N2 emission spectrum, and the morphology determination of the ionization region has been investigated. According to the distribution of N2 second positive hand's intensity ISPB, the highest of all bands, the outline of the ionization region was drawn fairly accurately. The relationship between ISPB and discharge current I can he obtained through the volume integral of the ISPB. The experimental results show that the size of the ionization region enhances with the rise of the applied voltage U, and the electron avalanche begins at about 1 mm off the tips of needle electrode and multiplies only in the range of several millimeters, indicating that, the range of the ionization region is at the magnitude of ram. The electron avalanche along the axis of the needle develops farther than that along the radial direction of needle, and the shape of the ionization region looks like a bullet. The integral of ISPB is second-order linear to I, with a very second order coefficient, meaning that the main excited substance is N2. Energetic electrons mainly exist in ionization region while ions are the main charged particles to form discharge current in the transfer region.