Many significant warm and cool climate events occurred during the Cenozoic, and one of the most intriguing climate events of the Neogene was the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum(MMCO) ,which occurred at about 15Ma and represents a geologically recent warming event unrelated to human activity that may mirror future climate change in terms of the average global surface temperature increase. Zhuanglang (ZL) County ( 35° 13'N, 106°05'E), on the western CLP,is 50km northeast of Qin'an section and is widely covered with red clay sediments,in order to get a continuous high-resolution record,the ZL drilling core was obtained. From the study of the magnetostratigraphic we can know that the Late Cenozoic eolian red clay sequences of ZL covering an age range from 25.6Ma to 4.8Ma also include the warm climate change period of the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum, which is rich archive of paleoclimatic changes. We choose red clay experimental samples of susceptibility with a spacing of 20cm, then according to the susceptibility variations choose typical samples to do other rock magnetic experiment. The MMCO representative samples were collected from 300 - 420m, covering an age range of 17.5 - 13.5Ma. To make a comparison of the characteristic of rock magnetism about the MMCO representative samples, we also collected representative samples from the Preceding-MMCO (samples collected from 420 -450m, covering an age range of 18.0 -17.5Ma)and Post-MMCO( samples collected from 250 -300m, covering an age range of 13.5 -12.0Ma). In this study, a multi-parameter rock magnetic investigation such as the magnetic susceptibility (Z), temperature- dependent magnetic susceptibility curve (%-T curves), %-T curves of the representative samples heated to different temperatures,IRM acquisition and reverse field demagnetization of IRM2.TT (IRM acquires at an applied field of 2.7T) and magnetic hysteresis loops were carried on samples collected from the Zhuanglang red clay drilling. The result of the characters