Objective. To determine the effects of ethanol on nicotinic acetylcholine recep- tors (nAChRs) in cultured primary superior cervical ganglion neurons. Methods: The acute effects of ethanol on nAChRs in cultured primary superior cervical ganglion neurons (SCGs) were examined by whole-cell patch clamp recordings. After the whole-cell configuration formed, drugs diluted to the desired concentrations before using, were applied directly to the single neurons. Results: Holding at --70 mV, inhibition rate of higher concentration of ethanol was larger than that of the lower one. The ICs0 was (45.55+3.62) mmol/L. Ethanol (50 mmol/L) accelerated the slow decay but did not accelerate the quick decay of nicotine-evoked current (INic) in $CGs. There was no use-dependence and voltage-dependence of ethanol on suppressing INic in SCGs. Conclusion: Ethanol significantly inhibits the whole cell INic in SCGs, probably in a noncompeti- tive inhibition manner in extra-membrane sites.