目的 通过对明清时期中医文献中涉及针灸治疗痹证的内容进行整理与分析,从经脉、腧穴应用规律等方面总结明清时期针灸治疗痹证的规律,为痹证基础与临床研究提供文献学依据。方法 通过对《中华医典·针灸推拿类》进行电子检索,摘录明清时期记载痹证相关内容的资料,将筛选出的条文按照归经、穴位性质录入Excel表中建立数据库,进行数据分析。结果 明清时期记载有关针灸治疗痹证的条文267条,涉及十四经,131个腧穴,其中5个为经外奇穴;足少阳胆经使用频次最高,手阳明大肠经次之;足太阳膀胱经使用的腧穴数量最多,足少阳胆经次之;常用的腧穴有28个(出现频次5次以上),其中最常用于治疗痹证的穴位依次为曲池26次、环跳23次、合谷22次、尺泽16次、阳陵泉15次、委中14次。特定穴中五输穴使用频次最高,使用频次为217次。结论 明清医家应用针灸治疗痹证的经脉使用规律为阳经多于阴经,足少阳胆经、手阳明大肠经和足太阳膀胱经使用频次较高;腧穴使用上,注重特定穴位的使用,尤其是五输穴的使用,本研究结果为临床上针灸治疗痹证选穴提供参考。
Objective To summarize the treatment principle of acupuncture-moxibustion in treating Bi-impediment syndrome from the application rules of meridians and acupoints in Ming-Qing Dynasties by sorting out and analyzing the Chinese medicine literatures about acupuncture-moxibustion for Bi-impediment syndrome in Ming-Qing Dynasties, for providing literature evidence for basic and clinical research of Bi-impediment syndrome. Method Via electronic retrieval of Zhong Hua Yi Dian (Zhen Jiu Tui Na Lei) (Chinese Medical Encyclopedia, Chapter of Acupuncture- Moxibustion and Tuina), the data related to Bi-impediment syndrome in Ming-Qing Dynasties were extracted to establish a database categorized by meridians and acupoint features in Excel for analysis. Result There were 267 items of records about acupuncture-moxibustion in treating Bi-impediment syndrome in Ming-Qing Dynasties, involving the fourteen ordinary meridians, and 131 acupoints including 5 extra points; the frequency of using the Gallbladder Meridian ranked the top, followed by the Large Intestine Meridian; points from the Bladder Meridian were predominant, followed by the Gallbladder Meridian; there were 28 commonly-used acupoints (frequency 〉5), which were Quchi (LI 11, 26 times), Huantiao (GB 30, 23 times), Hegu (LI 4, 22 times), Chize (LU 5, 16 times),