在大部分对汽车冲压车间调度的研究中,冲压车间被简化为一类job shop模型的作业车间。根据汽车双向冲压生产线的实际生产特点,笔者提出了基于工艺约束并行机的双向冲压生产线调度模型。在该模型中,工件按设备顺序在生产线两端同时加工,且加工的工件及其加工时间和完工时间受两端工件工序数目约束。然后设计了启发规则和遗传算法混合的求解算法,最后以最大完工时间为优化指标进行验证,得到了具有很强实际应用价值的调度结果。
In most scheduling research on a press workshop,the press workshop model is simply assumed as a job shop model.This paper presents a new scheduling model based on operation constraints parallel machine for a bidirectional press line according to the real production situation where the jobs are processed from the terminals of the press line and in the order of machines.The parallelly processed jobs are under the constraints of operation number,and the constraints relation between operation and time are formulated.Then,a hybrid genetic algorithm with heuristic rules is devised to solve the problem.Finally,the makespan of jobs is used as the objective for optimization to validate this model,and scheduling results with practical application value are obtained.