从酿酒葡萄(Vitis vinifera.L)植株的各组织中共分离得到462株内生真菌,通过形态鉴定、排重、按比例缩取从中选取出64株内生真菌.采用ITS排序、系统树构建的方法对64株真菌的种属地位及发育关系进行了研究,并对植物病原真菌生长抑制能力进行了测定.系统发育树分析表明酿酒葡萄内生真菌分布于20个属,其中交链孢霉(Alternaria)17.24%,青霉(Penicillium)15.52%,镰刀菌(Fusarium)10.34%,曲霉(Aspergillus)、Discostroma、赤霉菌(Gibberella)、Passalora、Pestalotiopsis各5.17%,交链孢霉、青霉、镰刀菌是其中的优势种群.对植物病原真菌有抗性的菌株分布于15个属,其中镰刀菌属的6株菌对3种指示菌均有抑制作用,镰刀菌是酿酒葡萄植株主要抗植物病原真菌的活性物质来源之一.
462 endophytic fungi were isolated from different tissues of Vitis vinifera L. Among them 64 samples were identified and selected according to their heterogenous morphological character. Then their species distribution and phylogenetic relationship were analysed by ITS sequence so that their phylogenetic tree could be contructed. The next step was to determine the inhibitory activity of the 64 samples against phytopathogenic fungi. The result of the phylogenetic analysis indicated that the endophytic fungi isolated from Vitis vinifera L. were distributed in 20 genera,counting Alternaria 17.24%, Penicillium 15.52%, Fusarium 10.34% and Aspergillus,Discostroma,Gibberella,Passalora, Pestalotiopsis 5. 17% respectively. Alternaria, Penicillium and Fusariurn were the main genera. Fifteen genera proved to be antagonists of phythopathogenic fungi. Among them six Fusarium sp. displayed this property as to three indicator fungi (Verticillium dahZiae Kleh,Colletotrichum lagenarium (Passerini) Ellis et Halsted,Phytophthora parasitica Destur. Fusariurn sp. was the main source of bioactive compounds inhibiting phytopathogenic fungi in Vitis vinifera L.