以兴安落叶松(Larix gmelini)人工林为研究对象,在大兴安岭地区的加格达奇、新林、塔河和漠河等地共选取了17块样地,采用空间代替时间法,研究了所选样地地上部分生物量和生产力动态变化。结果表明:21年生林分的生物量最大,为60.93t/hm^2,其年平均生产力为2.90t/hm^-2·a^-1;乔木生物量和地被物载量随林龄的增加而增加,灌草生物量随林龄的增加而减少。同龄人工林比较,非火烧迹地的人工林乔木和林分生物量的平均值分别是火烧迹地人工林乔木和林分生物量平均值的2.76倍、2.05倍。
A total of 17 sample plots were located in Lar/x grr~linl plantations in Jiagedaql, Xinlin, Tahe and Mohe. The dynamic change in above-ground biomass and productivity of the investigated plots were studied by space-time substitution methods. Results showed that the biomass of the 21 -year-old plantation was the largest (60.93 t/hm^2 ), and its annual productivity was 2.90 t/hm^2. Biomass of tree layer and ground cover increased, while shrub and herb biomass decreased with increasing stand age. The average biomass values of arbor layer and whole stand of the plantations in non-burned areas were 1.76 and 1.05 times higher than those of plantations of the same age in burned areas.