In this paper, quadratic configuration interaction with singles, doubles, and noniterative tri-ples (QCISD(T)), and aug-cc-pVTZ level are used to calculate the interactional potential of Ar-HF, and the counterpoise method of Boys and Bernardi is used to eliminate the basis set superposition error. More accurate data of potential energy surface can be gained and the eleven radial coefficients are derived by using Huxley function fitting. So the interactional potential of Ar-HF can be discussed. The accurate close-coupling method is applied to calculate the partial cross sections, elastic partial cross sections 00-00 and inelastic partial cross sections 00-01,00-02,00-03 etc. , when the incident energies are 50 meV and 100 meV. By analyzing the partial cross sections, the changing tendencies of the partial cross sections with the quantum number and different incident energies are obtained.