建立高效液相色谱法( HPLC)“一测多评”法测定氨咖黄敏胶囊中3种有效成分的含量,以对乙酰氨基酚为内标物,建立该成分与咖啡因、马来酸氯苯那敏的相对校正因子并计算此3种成分的含量。同时采用外标法测定,两种测试结果无显著差异, RSD<0.78%,表明建立的“一测多评”法测定氨咖黄敏胶囊中的对乙酰氨基酚、咖啡因、马来酸氯苯那敏,准确可行。
An HPLC-QAMS method was established for quantitative analysis on multi-components by single marker in analysis on Ankahuangmin capsule for the simultaneous determination of three main constituents . Using paracetamol as an index , the relative factors of caffeine and chlorphenamine maleate were established by HPLC , which was used to calculate the content .It shows no significant difference between the results of QAMS method and those external standard methods , RSD〈0.78%.It shows that this method is feasible and suitable which valuate the quality of paracetamol , caffeine and chlorphenamine maleate in Ankahuangmin capsule by QAMS .