移动Ad hoe网络(MANET)是一个极具实际应用价值的研究领域,由于其自身的开放媒质、动态拓扑、分布式协作和受限能力等特点,MANET极易受到攻击,其安全问题正受到越来越广泛的重视。路由在整个网络安全中扮演重要角色,首先综合论述一种路由攻击类型——黑洞问题的研究概况,然后剖析黑洞问题的基本定义、功能结构和工作原理,归纳总结目前防范黑洞问题的最新技术,最后给出针对黑洞问题研究的若干热点问题与展望。
Mobile Ad hoc network (MANET) is an emerging research area with practical applications. However, MANET is particularly vulnerable to attack due to its fundamental characteristics, such as open medium, dynamic topology, distributed cooperation and constrained capability. Routing security in MANET plays an important role in the security of the entire network. This paper presented the concept and research situation of the black hole problem, which was one type of routing attack, exploration function component and execution mechanism, and then gave the critical techniques of black hole prevention in detail. At last addressed some major problems and research trends in this area.