Let G be a finite,undirected and simple connected graph,p and q be positive integers. An edgecut(vertex-cut)S of G is a p-q-edge-cut(p-q-vertex-cut),if one componet of G--S contains at least p vertices and another component of G--S contains an least q vertices,G is called ),p,q connected (kp,q^- connected) ,if a p-q-edge-cut(p-q-vertex-cut) exists. Let Ap,q (G) (kp,q (G)) be the minimum cardinality of a p-q-edge-cut(p-qvertex-cut)of G. We prove some sufficient conditions for a graph to be kp,q (G)≤λp,p (G)(p≤q and give some properties of k1,p^- connected graphs.