The interaction between transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) and TGFβ receptor I (TβRI) played a critical role of regulation of a variety of osteoporosis-related processes, such as cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and migration. We constructed a TβRI biosensor in the form of a CFP-TβRI- YFP fusion protein. The TβRI biosensor construct was transfected into the 293T cells at about 50% of efficiency. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)of TβRI biosensor were observed in live ceils. Results showed that the FRET ratio of TβRI biosensor was maximized at 6 minutes when the ligand of TGFβ1 was added. The maximum level was kept about 9 minutes ofterward, FRET ratios begin to decrease. Our study showed that the TGFβ1/ TβRI signal transduction pathway might have a characteristic of time delay in living ceils.