The digital image auto-focusing technology can not only improve focusing precision but also decrease the accuracy demand in machining and assembling imaging systems. The evaluation function based on power spectrum is used to recognize the focus positions of imaging systems and the realization scheme of the auto-focusing system based on field programmable gate array (FPGA) is put forward. It mainly accomplishes image pretreatment, definition evaluation and auto-focus control and so on. Aiming at the enormous computation and high complexity of the auto-focusing algorithm, the preprocessing method of combining the median filter with the linear transform of gray value, the pipelining structure, the 'ping-pong' working mode, the sharing processor of double butterfly shape and the base-2 FFT algorithm are presented. The research indicates that the actualization of the auto-focusing algorithm based on digital image processing becomes the speed bottle-neck of complex control systems no longer by using the strong parallel and high speed processing capacity of the FPGA chip.