为了便于研究诸多因素对云降水雷达探测回波强度的影响,设计开发了雷达探测回波强度定量计算软件,即雷达探测数据仿真平台“SimRAD”(Simulatingairbome Radardetectionand Dataprocessing),通过输入雷达发射频率,大气状态参数(高度、气压、气温、相对湿度)以及水成物相态、滴谱分布、含量等信息,使用云降水雷达观测和衰减订正理论进行计算,可以模拟出水成物的雷达回波强度以及水成物和大气衰减的垂直廓线,并且可以对雷达回波进行衰减订正。
In order to facilitate the simulation of cloud-precipitation detection with airborne radar and to conduct research on the effect of various atmospheric factors on radar reflectivity, a software named as "SimRAD"(Simulating airborne Radar detection and Data processing) has been developed to calculate quantitatively the radar reflectivity factors before and after attenuation corrections based on the theories in radar meteorology and tests by inputting such parameters as the radar frequency, the atmospheric profiles for temperature, pressure and relative humidity, and the phase, content and droplet size distribution of hydrometeors in clouds. The paper introduces the software and outlines future work for improvement.