SLC6A14基因是影响猪脂肪沉积的候选基因,本研究利用白色杜洛克×二花脸资源家系祖代的17头二花脸母猪和2头白色杜洛克公猪的池DNA,通过直接测序法在猪SLC6A14基因第10外显子1483bp处检测到1个D→A错义突变,导致相应编码的氨基酸由缬氨酸转换成异亮氨酸。采用引物创造性酶切法,通过HpyCH4IV PCR—RFLP判型技术,检测了白色杜洛克×二花脸资源家系3代623个个体在此错义突变位点的多态性,并开展了与脂肪和生长性状的相关性分析。结果表明:该突变位点与腹脂重和46日龄个体重存在显著的相关性。
SLC6A14 was considered as a candidate gene for fat deposition. A G→A missense mutation (SLC6A14 c. 1483 〉A) was identified at position 1483 in exon 10 of the porcine SLC6A14 gene by directly sequencing DNA pools from 19 founder animals (two White Duroc boars and 17 Erhualian sows) of a White Duroc x Erhualian intercross. This mutation leads to an exchange of valline to isoleucine at codon 461. A to- tal of 623 animals from the White Duroc x Erhualian intercross were genotyped for the SLC6A14 c. 1483 〉 A polymorphism using a PCR primer induced mutagenesis method, and associations of this polymorphism with growth and fatness traits were performed in this population. The results showed that the SLC6A14 c. 1483 〉 A polymorphism was significantly associated with abdomen fat weight and body weight at 46 d of age.