【目的】探讨初花期喷施植物生长调节剂对大豆鼓粒期植株各器官干物质积累动态及产量的影响,为大豆高产栽培提供理论依据。【方法】以合丰-50为材料,设喷施清水(CK)、S3307和DTA-6 3个处理,各处理均于初花期喷施1次,喷药后30 d(鼓粒初期)开始第1次取样,以后每隔5 d取样1次,共取样5次,测定植株上部和中部叶片、叶柄、茎秆、荚皮和籽粒干物质重;成熟期测定产量。【结果】在整个鼓粒期内,S3307处理的上部叶片干物质重均高于CK,DTA-6处理在35和40 d时略低于CK,其他时期高于CK;S3307和DTA-6处理的中部叶片干物质重仅在45 d时低于CK,其他时期均高于CK;S3307处理的植株上部叶柄干物质重除在30 d时低于CK外,其他天数均高于CK;S3307处理的中部叶柄干物质重和DTA-6处理的上部茎秆干物质在鼓粒期内均高于CK;S3307和DTA-6处理的中部荚皮和籽粒干物质重均高于CK。S3307处理显著增加了植株上部和中部单株荚数、单株粒数和单株粒重(P〈0.05,下同),同时显著降低了瘪荚数;DTA-6处理显著增加了植株上部的单株荚数、单株粒数及上、中部的单株粒重。S3307和DTA-6处理的上部产量极显著高于CK(P〈0.01),分别比CK增加10%和18%,中部产量分别比CK增加11%和4%。【结论】初花期叶面喷施植物生长调节剂可显著增加大豆植株上部和中部各器官干物质重,并进一步提高植株上部和中部产量。
[Objective]The present experiment was conducted to investigate effects of spraying plant growth regulators (PGRs) on dry matter accumulation of soybean at grain-filling stage, in order to provide scientific basis for high-yield cultivation technique of soybean. [ Method ] Using soybean Hefeng 50 as materials, the field experiment was conducted by using 3 treatments. Tile retardant regulator uniconazole (S3307) and growth promoter regulator 2-N, N-diethylamino ethyl caproate (DTA-6) were sprayed on soybean plant one time at beginning-flower stage, taking soybean plant sprayed with water as control(CK). The samples began to be collected at grain-filling stage(from the 30^th day after spraying), once every five days, a total of 5 times. The dry-matter weights of leaf, petiole, stem, pod and grain from upper and central parts were measured, respectively, and the grain yield of soybean was investigated at mature stage. [Result] The results showed that, during whole grain-filling period, the dry-matter weight of upper leaves sprayed with S3307 was higher than that of CK; the dry-matter weight of upper leaves sprayed with DTA-6 was higher than that of CK at grainfilling stage, excepting on the 35^th and 40^th day; the dry-matter weight of central leaves sprayed with DTA-6 and S3307 was higher than that of CK, excepting on the 45^th and 40^th day; the dry-matter weight of upper petiole sprayed with S3307 was higher than that of CK, excepting on the 30% day; the dry-matter weights of central petiole sprayed with S3307 and upper stems sprayed with DTA-6 were higher than that of CK; the dry-matter weights of central pod shells and grains sprayed with DTA-6 and S3307 were higher than that of CK, respectively. Furthermore, after spraying S3307 on soybean plant, the pod number and grain weight of upper and central parts per plant were significantly increased (P〈0.05 ,the same below), and the shriveled pod number per plant was significantly decreased. After spraying DTA-6, the pod and grain numbers of