研究了有机发光器件(organic light emitting diodes,简记为OLED)半透明电极上形成的反射相移对OLED光谱产生调制现象.以红色微腔结构顶发射OLED(top emitting OLED,TOLED)为例,基于微腔理论和传输矩阵理论建立物理模型,采用计算机数值模拟方法,得出结果表明器件发光光谱的调制作用不只局限于有机层厚度,也和反射相移有关.通过改变覆盖到顶电极表面的有机层厚度的简单方法,可以实现对顶电极反射相移的调节,从而改变TOLED光学性能.这一结果为进一步改善器件的性能提供了可靠的理论依据.
In this paper,we study the phase shift of the reflection from a semitransparent electrode of a top-emitting organic light-emitting device(TOLED) which is able to adjust spectrum of TOLED.Based on the micro-cavity theory and the transfer matrix theory,a model is set up to simulate the red TOLED.The simulation results show that the modulation of the device is not only limited to organic layer thickness,but also related to the reflection phase shift.The phase shift of the reflection of top electrode is adjusted through changing the thickness of organic layer capped on the top electrode,thus the TOLED optical performance can be changed.This result provides a useful method of improving the performance of the device.