研究了状态依赖广义时变脉冲系统的时域稳定问题.基于微分矩阵不等式(Differential matrix inequalities,DMI)和S-procedure理论,给出了两类状态依赖广义时变脉冲系统时域稳定的充分条件.接下来,根据给出的充分条件设计了状态反馈控制器,使得闭环系统时域稳定.最后,给出数值算例来验证结论的有效性.
This paper deals with the state-dependent finitetime stability problem for continuous-time linear time-varying descriptor impulse systems. The sufficient conditions for statedependent continuous-time linear time-varying descriptor impulse systems to be finite-time stable are proposed in terms of a set of differential matrix inequalities(DMI) and the S-procedure arguments. Based on the conditions above, a state feedback controller is designed such that the resultant closed-loop system is finite-time stable. Finally, an example is presented to show the effectiveness of the obtained theoretical results.