During the anatexis of metapelite, the phosphorus content of initial magma is mainly controlled by the apatite contents of the source, the melting degree and the solubility of apatite in the melt. Strong depletion of Ca, ∑REE and Y in the peraluminous magma hinders the crystallization of phosphate minerals such as apatite, xenotime and monazite. The alkali feldspars crystallizing from the P-rich peraluminous magmatic system constitute the main phosphorus reservoirs. As P has strong affinity to Li, an amblygonite-montebrasite assemblage occurs at the last stage of magmatic evolution. In magmatic-hydrothermal transition stage, phosphorus is in favor of the melt and can hardly form P-rich fluid. During the hydrothermal alteration, a lot of secondary apatites were formed as the P was released by Al-Si ordering of alkali feldspar and Ca was provided by external hy- drothermal fluid. Some of Sn, W, Mn and U, whose mineralizations were hosted in hydrothermal veins, were probably transported as M-P complex in P-fluid resulting from hydrothermal alteration.