The albite granite of Yichun stock, added with 0.27% -7.71% P2o5, was chosen as the initial composition. The partition coefficients of Sn between the phosphorus-rich peraluminous granitic melt and coexisting aqueous fluid were determined at 100 MPa and 800 ℃ and 850 ℃. The experimental results show that the partition coefficients Dsofluid/melt ( Dsofluid/melt= Cfluid/Cmelt, where Cfluid and Cmelt, are the concentrations of Sn in the aqueous fluid and the melt, respectively) vary from 2. 10 × 10^-4 to 1.36 ×10^-3, indicating that Sn partitions preferentially into the hydrous melts. The partition coefficients of Sn increased with increasing P2O5 content from 0. 27% to 1.91%, but decreased when the P2O5 content further increased. According to our experimental results, P is probably not the main complexant for the transportation of Sn in fluids evolved from a granitic magma.