Colleges and universities Colleges and Universities as a source of the research and development and talent, played an important role in the city's social and economic development. Using 1999--2011 panel data of 35 large and medium cities in China, using the spatial econometric model, employing the spatial econometric techniques, this paper analysis the colleges and universities agglomeration and spatial spillover effects on economic growth. The study finds that higher education agglomeration exist positive spatial spillover on economic growth. The effect of the output of higher education agglomeration is 0.06, it indicates that every 1% increase in higher education agglomeration degree, will lead to economic growth of 0.06% ; Among them, the elasticity of the direct output is 0. 052, and the output elasticity of the higher education agglomeration spillover effect is 0. 008. In addition, the contribution of the physical capital and labor' s to economic growth is higher than the education agglomeration.