在一维拉格朗日平面准等熵压缩流体力学的基础上,建立了带窗口准等熵压缩实验流场反演方法,给出了界面处压力历史的求法,编制了实现流场反演技术的程序,并与一般流体力学计算进行了比较;对Z575号实验给出的界面速度历史进行了反演计算,给出了的Al 6061-T6等熵压缩线。
A one-dimensional Lagrangian backward integeration method was used to analyze VISAR records of isentropic compression experiments. The pressure history at the window-sample interface calculated by the interface velocity history was proved to be successful. A contrast calculation shows that the backward method is as accurate as the forward method. Analysis of the Z575 experiments shows that the isentropic compression curves of Al 6061-T6 are in good agreement with that by Hall C A.