In the traditional study of landslide hazard zonation, there are subjectivity and arbitrariness at aspect of selection of evaluation factors and weight values. The weights of evidence method which is widely used in the evaluation and prediction of mineral resources was used in this paper. Wushan County in the Three Gorges reservoir area was chose as the study area, the landslide controlling factors (combination of lithology,geological structure, geographical elevation, slope and aspect) and predisposing factors (human engineering activities, roads and water effect-distances) were chose as the data source. In this paper, ArcGIS platform weights of evidence extension module (WofE Extension) was used to calculate the weights of evidence of various factors,zone landslide hazard and obtain the landslide hazard zoning map of the study area. The result showed that 81G of the landslide was accurate, and 65 % of the landslide distributed at very high and high-risk areas, 16 % of the landslide distributed at medium-risk area. It shows that the weights of evidence method could be objectively and quantitatively evaluated the impact degree of factors relevant with landslide,as a basis of the choice of factors for landslide hazard zonation.